Course description
The science of implantology has undoubtedly come into its own over the last few decades. From pathbreaking scientific research in Sweden in the early 50s, to becoming the most sought after tooth replacement solution, the humble dental implant has come through much evolution. Many dental practitioners are constantly seeking continuing education in implantology, sometimes to keep up with evolving scientific change and sometimes to empower themselves to offer a comprehensive implant solution in their practice. This course is designed for exactly that kind of dental practitioner and it offers a basic and yet, fairly comprehensive, introduction to the wonderful science.

What makes THIS course worth taking?
• It is didactic in nature and is yet strongly clinically oriented, giving every participating clinician the opportunity to WORK WITH PATIENTS and not just models
• It is limited to a very SMALL GROUP of clinicians and is all about focussed education in a clinical setting
• It takes you through the entire treatment sequence, offering you the opportunity to actually EXPERIENCE AND PERFORM all diagnostics, surgery, pre prosthetic phase management and final prosthodontics
• You will see and treat the most COMMON CLINICAL SCENARIOS that you are likely to encounter- a single missing tooth, small edentulous spans and the fully edentulous patient who is seeking an implant overdenture
• You will receive POST COURSE SUPPORT that will help you with treatment planning and execution. You will be mentored as you evolve, to provide dental implants to your patients
I invite you to consider taking this course and embark on a journey that is bound to change the way you think and the way you practice. I look forward to welcoming you to the little city of Gisborne on New Zealand’s idyllic East Coast, the first city to see the sun.
Nitish Surathu
Course Coordinator